
Pumpkin Cheesecake

In cake, cheese, custard on November 10, 2010 at 08:14

Week 37 | 11.10.2010

I have a great giant Cinderella pumpkin taking over one of my few wooden stools, remnants of Halloween festivities. I don’t have the heart to cut into it just yet, but it did get me in a mindframe of baked pumpkin possibilities – teacake, muffin, pie, cheesecake

Is sweetened pumpkin only an American tradition? Only last week a french baker said to me, “I don’t like my vegetables sweetened!” when I asked why he never ate the delightful mini pumpkin pies he turned out for the holidays. Well I have a certain fondness for pumpkin, spice, and brown sugar crusts!

I plan to cook down some pumpkin puree with sugar to condense its natural sweetness. Then whip up cream cheese and eggs for fluffiness and a lighter cheesecake. A little prelude to Thanksgiving meal just two weeks away?!

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